Hey, hi, hello!!

Well, hello there! What a pleasure it is to have you visit my humble little site. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Kaela, professional pauper, dedicated wino, home chef extraordinaire, and occasional sarcastic asshole. I don’t claim to know everything, in fact I know very little about very much, but I do understand what it’s like to like nice things and barely be able to afford to survive. But before I go and get ahead of myself, let’s get to know each other a little better, yeah?

So, basics about me. I love cool hats, flannels, and drinking red wine. I like to think I’m pretty funny, and anyone who knows me knows that my RBF is a lie, I’m basically a puppy in human form. I like sun because it makes me tan and vitamin D is cool, but rainy days are my favorite. My favorite color is blue. I’m an ethnic mutt, mostly Puerto Rican. Oh, and I’m queer, in case you didn’t infer that from the things I love.

Let me tell you how I got here. I graduated from the University of Georgia in 2013 with my bachelor’s in journalism. So far, it has had no effect on my job situation. Liberal arts majors, you know what I’m talking about. My absolutely brilliant best friend is an extremely talented writer with her bachelor’s in English; she’s a bartender. The system has screwed us. When I was approaching graduation I had these grand visions of my future as a famous writer, eventually editor-in-chief of a magazine. I had this repulsive amount of optimism about what I would be able to do with a degree from one of the top J schools in the country, but all was for naught. Long story short, I’ve spent the past three years since graduating trying to find that dream job to pay for my dream life, but it’s been pretty fruitless.

I know there are so many people out there going through the same thing, and that’s why we’re here. I’ve figured out plenty of life hacks I can share, and also it’s nice to vent. I’ll share more as I post more. We can get through this together.

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  1. Teri Roe says:

    Most journalism jobs are few and far between…magazines and newspapers are starving to death..lol. The printed word is no more!! However, blogs are pretty fricken cool. It is your job to adapt to the new journalism….which, as I see it, u have figured out. Love and passion drive your heart in the right direction. You still are Kaela….sweet, quirky, cool…. with the biggest most beautiful eyes!! Love u girl and stay true to who u are and what u want…you will get there. It’s never the degree you got…it’s what you do with it!

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