You Give Me Hope

I am so single. Not the normal, oh it’s been a few months, kind of single. I’m at the point where I’m wondering, are there cobwebs in my heart? Is intimacy a real things? You couples look pretty happy, but my dog’s a better cuddler I think… That’s where I am. It’s okay for the most part, but sometimes it really, really sucks. I start to question whether or not I’ll ever find someone, or if love is even a real thing.

And then my two beautiful friends get engaged.

Neither of them have had it easy. Their relationship wasn’t always perfect. The people around them were not always supportive. They’ve been ostracized and put through the ringer, and instead of drifting apart and letting their relationship crumble in the face of adversity, they stood together and became stronger. And as if all that isn’t enough they’re also both women, who until last year couldn’t get married here. Strong, amazing, talented, intelligent, brilliant women.

You give me hope.

I get so down sometimes, because I really start wondering if it’s even possible to have a good, strong relationship, but you two and the journey you’ve been on make me feel like one day I can have that too. I’m so honored to be a part of your lives and I love you both to the moon and back. You two have been so consistently good to me and I hope you know how much you mean to me. You’re both such unique and genuine, and authentically amazing human beings. I wholeheartedly believe the world is better place with you in it, I know mine is. My heart is just bursting with love and happiness for you both!

You are #relationshipgoals and I can honestly say I’ve never been so excited for an engagement. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I can’t wait to see you guys actually get hitched. Much love, my friends.

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