Identity Crisis

So, I’ve been struggling with something.

For those of you who follow my YouTube channel, maybe you saw my gender spectrum video. I’ve been trying to figure out who I am for a long time. It’s a journey and constant evolution, and I’ve gone from being overly femme so I could pass as straight, to being the tomboy I am, to a bout of heavy androgyny, all around, back and forth, and in between. It’s not easy when you come out of the closet to figure out where you stand. When you’ve spent over twenty years trying to force one image it’s hard to suddenly have all this freedom.

When I started this site a few weeks ago, I didn’t really think about it too much. I’ve always wanted to have something titled, “The Princess is a Pauper”, because it’s clever, it has alliteration, and I think it’s pretty fitting for where I’m at in life. So here we are and the site is live. You may be wondering where this is going.

My struggle is with the word princess.

As I said, I’m a tomboy. A feminine tomboy, yes, but I’m not very girly. Now, humor me. close your eyes and picture a princess. She’s probably wearing a beautiful dress, lots of make up, and likely has some pink happening. Disney princesses come to mind for me. I googled the word and this is the first image that popped up:


There’s that. You knew what was it was going to look like. As opposed to that picture of me. Since everything evolved so fast and I realized that what I want is to create a personal brand, I’ve been really questioning whether or not I am comfortable associating myself with this title.

My conclusion? Fuck the stereotype.

I am a princess, and eventually I’ll be a damn queen. I may not look like a typical girly, covered in pink and frilly stuff, kind of princess, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m not trying to discredit those of you who love that kind of thing. If that’s you, then you go ahead and rock the hell out of whatever you like. As for me, I don’t care if my personal image doesn’t align with an archetype established by people of the past. I am a diva, I like nice things, and I love being a feminine creature.

Like I say in the welcome section of this blog, princesses come in all shapes, styles, and sizes. Are you a beauty queen? Princess. Are you a pretty boi? Princess. Are you a grown man in touch with your feminine side? Princess. Our appearances may be vastly varied, but we’re all kindred spirits on the inside.

Please, come as you are.

Let’s keep this thing going. Let’s love ourselves for who and what we are, and continue to grow, laugh, and share together. If you have something you’d like to contribute, comment. Subscribe. Get hooked on my channel as well. Let’s build and become a community of open minded and loving people. You can remain anonymous if that’s what you’re comfortable with, or you can come out to us. I want to hear your stories too.

You’re all beautiful, colorful, amazing humans, and I’m so honored to have you here. I hope you all have a lovely evening, and a good week. I’ll be back soon.


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